The ECIDS Data explorer is an interactive tool allowing users to easily access and compare comprehensive early childhood data in one place

About the ECIDS Data Explorer

The ECIDS Data Explorer is designed around ECDataWorks EASI Framework, which includes data in four key areas: Eligibility, Access, Services, and Impact. This framework allows the state to bring together comprehensive data related to early childhood in a meaningful way, as integrating and displaying the data across these areas can yield critical information to help policymakers and community leaders assess needs, evaluate impact, customize solutions for their communities, and foster greater community engagement in early childhood efforts.

Of those four areas, pages for Eligibility, Access, and Services are currently included within our data explorer. Information on each of these pages is included below.


Eligibility data helps estimate the need for early childcare services within a geographic area. All data on the Eligibility tab are sourced from the U.S. Census Bureau, 2017-2021 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates. 

Margin of error (MOE) for derived estimates were calculated in accordance with the U.S. Census Bureau guidelines. Data are based on a sample and are subject to sampling variability. The degree of uncertainty for an estimate arising from sampling variability is represented through the use of a margin of error. The values shown in the ECIDS Data Explorer are the 90 percent margin of error. The margin of error can be interpreted roughly as providing a 90 percent probability that the interval defined by the estimate minus the margin of error and the estimate plus the margin of error (the lower and upper confidence bounds) contains the true value. In addition to sampling variability, the ACS estimates are subject to non-sampling error. The effect of non-sampling error is not represented in these tables. 

The Eligibility page displays data from the U.S. Census Bureau to help estimate the need for early child care services within a geographic area.

This page includes two filters, one for the year of census data (currently only 2021 data available) and one for the geography. The geography filters currently available include congressional district, county, legislative district, and school district. The map will update based on your selected geography. Using CTRL + clicking on multiple geographies will allow the ability to select multiple geographies.

Specific information on visualization on this page, including the source of the data, is included below. All information from U.S. Census (2021) 2017-2021 American Community Survey 5-year estimates. The specific ACS Source tables used within the data explorer visualizations are listed below. 

​​​Children Under 6. Chart displays the estimated total number of children in Nebraska (and/or the selected geography) under 6 years old. Table B23008: Age of Own Children in Families and Subfamilies by Living Arrangements by Employment Status of Parents

​Children Under 6 With All Available Parents in the Labor Force. Chart displays the estimated total number of children in Nebraska (and/or the selected geography) under 6 years old with all available parents in the labor force. Table B23008: Age of Own Children in Families and Subfamilies by Living Arrangements by Employment Status of Parents.

% of Children Under 6 by Percentage of Federal Poverty Level. Chart displays the percentage of children under 6 by various percentages of the federal poverty level. Table B17024: Age by Ratio of Income to Poverty Level.

% of Children by Age. Chart displays the percent of children. Chart displays the percentage of children in each age group. Table B09001: Population under 18 years by Age. 

% of Children Under 5 by Race & Ethnicity. Chart displays the percentage of children (under 5 years old) for each Race and ethnicity. Table B01001 (A-I) Sex by Age.


The access page contains data on Child Care Licensing from the Nebraska Department of Health and Humas Services (DHHS). The roster of Licensed Child Care and Preschool Programs in Nebraska is updated frequently and is periodically integrated into the ECIDS dashboard.

Data on NDE approved early childhood programs are sourced from the Nebraska Department of Education’s ADVISER data system. Data on Head Start centers are integrated from the Head Start Program Information Report (PIR) yearly.

This page includes three geographic filters – for county, city, and zip code. The map will update based on the filter(s) you select.

Following the data access and use polices of NDE, this website masks or hides data for groups with 10 or fewer students to protect confidential information about individual students as required by federal law. 

​​Data Definitions

Licensed Child Care Providers

  • Child Care Center – A facility licensed to provide child care for 13 or more children.

  • Provisional Child Care Center – Provisional license issued for a newly licensed child care center, effective for one year.

  • Family Child Care Home I – A licensed child care operation in the provider’s place of residence which serves eight or fewer children at any one time. A Family Child Care Home I provider may be approved to serve no more than two additional school-age children during non-school hours when no more than two infants are present.

  • Provisional Family Child Care Home I – Provisional license issued for a newly licensed Family Child Care Home I, effective for one year.

  • Family Child Care Home II – A licensed child care operation either in the provider’s place of residence or a site other than the residence, serving 12 or fewer children at any one time.

  • Provisional Family Child Care Home II – Provisional license issued for a newly licensed.

  • Preschool – Provide a partial-day early child care program of primarily education services to any number of children age three or older, and where children do not nap and are not served a meal. A preschool may be located in the licensee’s residence or another location.

  • Provisional Preschool – Provisional license issued for a newly licensed Preschool, effective for on year.

  • School Age Only Child Care Center – Licensed to provide a child care program for 13 or more children who attend kindergarten or above. A school-age center may be located in the licensee’s residence or another location.

  • Provisional School Age Only Center – Provisional license issued for a newly licensed School Age Only Center, effective for one year.

For more information on NDE Approved Early Childhood Programs, please see the DHHS website.

The list of Licensed Child Care Providers includes two filters, described below.

Step Up to Quality (SUTQ) – The dashboard includes information on the child care program’s rating, which is Nebraska’s Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) that addresses quality experiences in early childhood education through the use of observations, professional development, and rating scales. The system provides a ranking from Step 1 to Step 5 and aims to create exceptional learning environments for any child anywhere in the state. The specific Step up to Quality rating is included within the DHHS rostering file.
Note: Step Up to Quality ratings are only currently available on the data dashboard for licensed providers, but public schools and Head Start providers may also participate.

Accepts Subsidy – The dashboard also includes a filter for ‘Accepts Subsidy.’ This filter provides information on if the child care program accepts child care subsidy or not. This information is included within the DHHS rostering file.

NDE Approved Early Childhood Programs

  • Public Preschool – Early education program provided in a public preschool.

  • Public Preschool Home-Based – Home-based early education program provided by a public preschool.

  • Sixpence Center-Based – Early Childhood Birth to Age 3 Endowment Grant Program (Sixpence) that operates in close partnership with a local school systems, follows curricula proven to advance early learning, emphasizes parent involvement and adhere to the professional standards for staff required by the Nebraska Department of Education. They offer part- and full-day care throughout the academic year.

  • Sixpence Childcare Partnership – Early Childhood Birth to Age 3 Endowment Grant Program (Sixpence) that is a collaboration between school districts and local child care providers to improve the quality of early childhood programs serving children up to age three and their families. These grants emphasize quality improvement supports for programs whose enrollment consists of at least 50% infants and toddlers who are subject to the risk factor qualifications for participation in Sixpence. Participating providers may be either family home or center-based programs.

  • Sixpence Home-Based – Early Childhood Birth to Age 3 Endowment Grant Program (Sixpence) that matches children/families with experienced professionals who are trained to help parents prepare for, and guide the early development of their children, based within the home.

For more information on NDE Approved Early Childhood Programs, please see the following website.

Head Start Centers

  • American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) Early Head Start – Head Start program for American Indian and Alaska Native populations supporting early learning and development, health, and family well-being for children ages birth through 3.

  • American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) Head Start – Head Start program for American Indian and Alaska Native populations supporting early learning and development, health, and family well-being for children ages 3 through 5.

  • Early Head Start – Head Start program supporting early learning and development, health, and family well-being for children ages birth through 3.

  • Head Start – Head Start program supporting early learning and development, health, and family well-being for children ages 3 through 5.

  • Migrant Head Start – Head Start program for migrant and seasonal populations supporting early learning and development, health, and family well-being for children ages 3 through 5.

​For more information on Head Start, please see the NDE Head Start Website and the NE Head Start Association website.


The services page helps estimate the type(s) of early childhood programs available in a geographic area and which children and families are participating in them. Currently, services data is sourced from the NDE ADVISER Data system. Information on the NDE approved early childhood programs (public Preschool, Public Preschool Home-Based, Sixpence Center-Based, Sixpence Childcare Partership, and Sixpence Home-based) can be found under the Access Page description.

The Services Page includes three filters. The first is for the year of data. Currently, the filters for year include calendar year (2018 – 2022), Federal Fiscal Year (FY) Oct 1 – Sept 30 (2018 – 2022) and State FY July 1 – June 30 (2019 – 2023). The second filter is for geography, which includes city, county, and zip code. The final filter is for specific NDE programs. The data on this page, including the distinct count numbers, the number of children by services received, and the characteristics of children included in the distinct count are reflective of the selected filters.

The Profile of Children Receiving Child Care Subsidy visualizations are currently left blank because of the lack of data sharing agreement between NDE & DHHS. While we have subsidy information and step up to quality data on the access page for programs and facilities, we do not have access child-level data necessary for these visualizations. Visualizations will load when data sharing agreements are signed and the data is made available.

Data Suppression Policies

In reporting data, ECIDS follows all policies consistent with the Nebraska Department of Education Data Suppression Policies, including the policies specified by FERPA. The NDE follows several primary suppression rules, including the rule of 10 in which all numbers are masked when there are fewer than 10 in a group, and several secondary suppression rules, including complementary suppression. 

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