Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What does ECIDS stand for?

ECIDS stands for Early Childhood Integrated Data System and is a collaboration between state agencies, providers, organizations, and communities to collect, connect, integrate, and report information about the early childhood population and programs across Nebraska. Typically, the data included in an ECIDS relate to individual children and their families, as well as the classrooms, programs, and workforce members associated with the state’s system of comprehensive early care and education services.

Why is ECIDS important?

Currently, Early Childhood stakeholders struggle to access useful information about the status of early childhood services and programs to inform policy and practice. These data are often provided through various websites and program reports and are rarely integrated across the sources from which they originate. Compiling and integrating early childhood data provides context about the community needs, program availability, and collective impacts, improving responsiveness to the needs of young children and their families. The ECIDS dashboard is an interactive tool allowing users to easily access and compare comprehensive early childhood data in one place. 

When did ECIDS work begin?

Preliminary work for Nebraska’s ECIDS began in 2009 with the formation of the Nebraska Early Childhood Data Coalition (ECDC). Since then, Nebraskans from both public and private sectors have worked extensively to organize and lead efforts to improve outcomes for young children, and these efforts have revealed that data is an essential tool in achieving that goal. The work has resulted in several formal efforts in support of these goals, including recommendations from the Early Childhood Interagency Coordinating Council (ECICC) in their biennial report to the governor in support of the integration of data from multiple early childhood data systems to create meaningful tools to better inform early childhood systems, services, and policies in Nebraska; and the awarding of federal grant funding to improve the early childhood system in Nebraska, of which ECIDS is a partner.

Together, with the support of these various efforts and with funding from the Preschool Development Grant (PDG 3.0 & 4.0) and the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), we are embarking on the work to create and implement an Early Childhood Integrated Data System (ECIDS) for Nebraska.

How does ECIDS work?

The NDE Early Childhood Integrated Data System (ECIDS) is designed to organize, mediate and broker early childhood data from public agencies, departments, and external purposes to deliver early childhood programs effectively and efficiently across Nebraska.

ECIDS only integrates data required to complete its selected use cases. Partner organizations maintain and manage the data they collect and then integrate with ECIDS following explicit data sharing agreements between NDE (on behalf of ECIDS) and the cooperating agency or organization. Data sharing agreements outline specific elements to be shared with the ECIDS project, the specific purpose for its sharing and any limitations on the presentation or use of such data. Data sharing agreements are finite and must be renewed by the participating entities; they may also be revoked at any time. Data are integrated in a manner that preserves established data rules and permissions, including those related to parent permissions, and limits access to specified and documented user roles. Granular data is deidentified at the earliest possible step and is used downstream to support visualizations and reports.

Is ECIDS the same as a P-20W+ Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS)?

No. A statewide longitudinal data system (SLDS) integrates data from early childhood, education, and workforce programs across the state to help answer critical questions about student learning and outcomes, social programs and policies, workforce preparation, and economic development. On the other hand, an ECIDS is focused on data from early childhood programs and agencies to answer questions focused on children from birth to age 8. A P-20W+ SLDS incorporates data from numerous sectors—one of which is usually early childhood—and is designed to answer questions that span more than one sector. In many states, these systems are being designed and implemented simultaneously, so it is important to establish the distinct purpose of each system, leverage the commonalities, and share best practices and lessons learned.

Where does the data come from?

For information on the source(s) on the data in the dashboard, please see the ECIDS Data page.

When is the data updated?

The Eligibility pages within the ECIDS Dashboard are built utilizing American Community Survey 5 Year Data estimates provided annually by the United States Census Bureau. Updates to this page are made at a regular cadence when the new census data is released.

The access page within the dashboard uses data from the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Rostering file, which is provided every 2 weeks. However, data in the dashboard is currently updated quarterly.

Currently, the services page within the dashboard only contains data from the Nebraska Department of Education. This data is sourced yearly from the ADVISER data system.

Who can use ECIDS?

While the ECIDS dashboard was built with a variety of audiences in mind, including program administrators and staff, community-based organizations and staff, policy and decision-makers, and researchers and evaluators, ECIDS data can be used by anyone.

Can I download data?

At this point in time, there is no ability for users to download data. In the future, a portal will be added for users to be authenticated and to download data in various formats. If you have specific data requests, please reach out to

How is data linked?

The ECIDS data matching algorithm uses deterministic matching to identify records based on name, date of birth, relationships and family name and captures the reason for the match. The data sources in the initial phase of ECIDS development are highly standardized. As data sources expand, the project team will monitor the matching logic and need to enhance the matching algorithm with additional information to avoid unintentional equity issues that may arise based on the matching elements selected.

Where can I find ECIDS policies?

​​​​​​​Policies and procedures that ECIDS adheres to include the following:

  • Maintaining confidentiality of all educational records as required under the Family Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 20 U.S.C. 1232(g)
  • Maintaining confidentiality and security of all health records as required under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), Public Law 104-191
  • Ensuring that no data will be released or reported in any manner that will allow the identification of any individual person, student, teacher, or school, unless explicitly approved in writing by the person who the data belongs to, agency or agencies that produced, provided, or contributed to the specific data being released
  • Storing data in a secure manner using industry best practices
  • Developing Data Sharing Agreements (DSA) with all data partners and reviewing them quarterly to assure compliance with the requirements of this agreement
  • Ensuring that all guidelines and procedures developed are followed
  • Ensuring that the studies conducted and/or systems created with the data are for and/or on behalf of the parties to improve instruction or agency services and that analysis and reports will be shared with the respective parties prior to dissemination.

​More information on these policies, adhered to by all NDE staff, is available here:  NDE Data Security and Privacy Policies and Procedures

How can I cite the ECIDS Data Explorer?

Users of ECIDS data products found at are encouraged to use one of the citation formats provided below. This citation format is provided to users who choose to screenshot a chart or graph or to cite particular values from the dashboard; just replace the italicized/underlined words with the filters you have selected and the date you are accessing.

For Eligibility: Nebraska Child Population Page
Eligibility: Nebraska Child Population, [Year selected] by [Geography selected]. Nebraska Early Childhood Integrated Data System (ECIDS) [Date Accessed].

For Access: Early Childhood Care & Education Programs
Access: Early Childhood Care & Education Programs, [Geography selected]. Nebraska Ealy Childhood Integrated Data Systems (ECIDS) [Date Accessed].

For Services: Early Childhood Care & Education Participation
Services: Early Childhood Care & Education Participation, [Year selected] by [Geography selected] for [Program selected]. Nebraska Ealy Childhood Integrated Data Systems (ECIDS) [Date Accessed].

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